

The aEEG monitor for neonatology

The Braintrend® is a 2-channel aEEG monitor with a variety of applications in neonatology and pediatrics.

The EEG frequency composition over time is displayed as a DSA (Density Spectral Array).

It can, for instance, be used to monitor premature infants, neonates or children with seizures.

 Go to Braintrend®-Homepage


Before the recording

Measurement of basic data and monitoring of electrode-skin contact.

During the recording

The ongoing recording is presented neatly and flexibly, with a continuous retrospective showing up to the past 20 days.

Further devices
Narcotrend<sup>®</sup>-Compact M

Narcotrend®-Compact M

Narcotrend<sup>®</sup> Module Select

Narcotrend® Module Select

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